“Todo comenzó cuando asistí a la feria de study UK en Guadalajara el año pasado. Visité el stand de Inova Education sin saber que ese momento sería clave para culminar mi sueño de estudiar mi maestría en el extranjero.
Después de una semana, recibí un correo. En este, me comentó la temporalidad de mi proceso desde aplicar a las universidades de mi elección, hacer mi examen de inglés, hasta la aplicación para beca al ya obtener mi oferta incondicional. Gracias a que seguí al pie de la letra estas recomendaciones de tiempo, pude realizar cada trámite con su debida calma y concentración.Gracias a los consejos que Inova Education me dio por medio de Liliana pude tener una aplicación exitosa a la universidad que deseaba hasta el momento de mi aplicación de visa, todo salió muy bien y después de un año de perseverancia y apoyo ahora me encuentro en mi primera semana como estudiante de posgrado en la Universidad de Sussex en Reino Unido. Anímense! No se arrepentirán de vivir esta experiencia única.”
Elsa SuarezStudied Environment, Development and Policy
Meet the team
Expert Guidance from British Council Certified Counsellors.
Inova’s team of British Council Certified student counsellors, offers expert guidance, tailored to your individual needs. With first-hand experience in studying, working and living abroad, we understand the complexities of international study and provide tailored guidance to Latin American students, to help you succeed throughout the process.
Empower Your Journey: Training and Webinars
Our UK-based team offers training sessions and webinars designed to equip students and young professionals with the skills and knowledge needed for a successful international experience. These resources can help you develop your professional skills, improve your cultural awareness, and prepare for life abroad.
Our team in Latin America

Eric Wijmenga
Eric, the founder and Director of Inova Education, has worked with international students since 1996, serving in a diverse range of roles and capacities. He is also Co-Director of Inova Education and Training, Inova's parent company. Helping students achieve their aspirations, 80's music and coffee is what fuels his day. Eric is a British Council Certified Student Counsellor.

Geert van Witteloostuijn
Geert (Jack) is the General Manager at Inova Education. Working with people and building bridges is what he likes best. Through Inova Education, he dedicates himself to assisting Latin-American sudents to achieve their goal of studying in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. Jack enjoys music, travel, films and all varieties of sports. Jack is a British Council Certified Student Counsellor.

Deborah Cedeño
Deborah holds the position of Team Manager and Senior International Study Advisor, bringing over 12 years of experience from her work in UK Higher Education and with the British Council. As someone who has pursued studies abroad, she enjoys travelling, encountering new cultures and meeting diverse people, gaining insights from various perspectives. Deborah is a British Council Certified Student Counsellor.

Ece Zenginer
Ece is the Admissions Coordinator at Inova Education. With a foundation in law, her academic specialisation is rooted in human rights studies. She is dedicated to offering great support and assistance, helping students towards educational opportunities abroad. Ece has a keen interest in dancing, loves travel and enjoys coffee. Ece is a British Council Certified Student Counsellor.

Carlo Vidal Miranda
Carlo manages all marketing and social media at Inova Education. He is an alumnus of The University of Sheffield and loves travelling and playing sports, especially football. Having lived and studied in Peru, the United Kingdom and Austria, Carlo is passionate about spreading awareness of European education across Latin America, fully embracing what being Latin American is about.

Fabiola Delfin
Fabiola is one of Inova Education’s Senior International Study Advisors. Her diverse background includes roles in Civil Society Organizations and an Embassy, and she has lived in the US and New Zealand. Fabiola enjoys learning about different cultures and people, is passionate about human rights and views student mobility as a powerful tool for fostering personal and professional growth. Fabiola is a British Council Certified Student Counsellor.

Salma Sánchez
Salma is one of Inova Education’s International Study Advisors. Salma studied International Relations where she developed her passion for sharing knowledge and creating open channels of communication. Her own experience of studying abroad transformed her outlook, inspiring her to guide others towards the incredible opportunities that you can create by just steppoing out of one's comfort zone. Salma is a British Council Certified Student Counsellor.
Our team in the United Kingdom

Marina, Val, Carolyn, Regina, Regina and Babett
Inova Education is a subsidiary of Inova Education and Training, a UK-based organisation specializing in career development, mentoring and education. Our activities are driven by a commitment to fostering international student mobility, diversity, and equal opportunities.
Inova Education & Training has partnered with over 45 organisations across 4 continents, delivering collaborative projects supported by Erasmus+ and the British Council. Our work in Latin America includes, among others, a mentoring programme for women in STEM, designed to support their career development.